
Practitioners and Specialists

Alyssa Schnell

International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and author of Breastfeeding Without Birthing: A Breastfeeding Guide for Mothers Through Adoption, Surrogacy, and Other Special Circumstances.


Go-Lacta® Malunggay is a chosen galactagogue when increasing and protecting milk supply for moms, including those with babies in the NICU, according to Joyce K., BSN, RN, CLC.


Essential part of any breastfeeding routine - by Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan, MD

" Breastfeeding is the best way to provide your baby with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Taking Malunggay is one way to ensure that you have enough breast milk for your baby during the critical first days after birth and during your entire nursing period. Go-Lacta® is 100% Malunggay, and is an essential part of any breastfeeding routine."

So much milk! - by Pat, IBCLC from Georgia

I had a bottle that I gave to one of my clients that was concerned about her milk supply for her coming baby. I received the sample at an ILCA Conference. She began her supplements about 12 days before her baby arrived. She has never had so much milk! This is her third child and she has struggled before to breastfeed and have enough milk in the first week.

Impressed! - by Becky K., from Wisconsin, IBCLC Lactation Consultant

"Hi, I bought a bottle of Go-Lacta at the ILCA conference in Orlando a couple weeks ago, and have been very impressed by the results from the mothers that have tried it.”

Great results! - by Cari T. from Florida, Lactation Consultant

“I’m Cari Tanella and I am an IBCLC and had a few moms take the samples you gave me at the ILCA Convention…They had great results!”

Go-Lacta works right after delivery! - by Dr. Manuel A, from New York

"Women who have taken Go-Lacta during their last trimester successfully breastfeed their new born babies."

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