Podcast on relactation and lactation
Back in 2017, I joined Alyssa Schnell, host of Breastfeeding Outside the Box podcast, to speak about the birth Go-Lacta and why I am such an advocate of Philippine Moringa for breast milk production.

From Alyssa: "I first learned about Malunggay (a.k.a. Moringa) as an herb to help with milk production when I was writing Breastfeeding Without Birthing. When Diana West, IBCLC, author of Making More Milk and internationally known expert on milk production, was reviewing a draft of my book she suggested adding this really helpful herb. I'm so glad she did! Since then, I've worked with countless nursing parents who have successfully used this herb - whether they are inducing lactation, relactating, or needing to support milk production for other reasons. During this interview, I chatted with Angela Veloso of Sugarpod Naturals, maker of Go-Lacta malunggay. She has a rich knowledge and appreciation for this helpful herb, and after listening to her we think you will too! "
Alyssa Schnell is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and author of Breastfeeding Without Birthing: A Breastfeeding Guide for Mothers Through Adoption, Surrogacy, and Other Special Circumstances.
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