Let’s stick together baby, you and me - Go-Lacta

Let’s stick together baby, you and me

Jan 31, 2021Shellaine Corwel-Strasser


Lactation consultant Evelyn Lindholm suggests that baby stay with mama immediately after following birth if possible, should there be no complications arising from delivery or neonatal issues with baby.

This first time physical bonding between mother and child is one of the triggers that will jumpstart milk production in a new mother and is crucial for establishing both a milk supply and growing your baby's trust in you.

Skin to skin is best if you can swing it; your baby will indeed crave this contact with you - the warmth and scent of your skin, the sound of your voice, and the familiar beat of your heart will all bring comfort to a newborn who will initially find all the stimuli outside of mama's tummy to be a bit overwhelming. all of these things about you will serve as a touchstone for your little one in the weeks ahead as you forge a new bond with your new little bundle of love. 

It is important for dads to get in on the skin to skin contact too! babies will come to recognize the skin scents of their family members and it is important for your newborn to feel comfortable with both parents early on. this familiarity will help when mom needs to grab a shower or a nap and baby needs to hang out with or take a feeding with dad.

The coming weeks and months with new baby are going to fly by and before you know it, baby will be rolling, crawling, walking and running. Enjoy these moments!

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